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The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) last week successfully completed its 30 th capacity-development webinar session to the exporter community and SMEs. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation of the country, the EDB could not carry out its conventional capacity development programmes such as workshops and seminars, due to the health regulations imposed on people-gathering activities.  As an alternative method, online sessions were conducted to enhance the capacity and knowledge of exporters and SMEs in Sri Lanka.

During this programme, the EDB organized weekly webinars to continuously educate the Sri Lankan exporters and potential exporters on selected topics. Well-known resource persons and experts on exports-related topics conducted these online sessions, sharing their expertise and experience with the participants.

Considering the importance of updating Sri Lanka’s export community on the latest trends in business and commerce,webinars were conducted on several topics such as  Global brand  dominance-leveraging branding for longstanding growth, The sport of business- lessons from the world of sports that can be applied to organizations,  Profits or values  – a discussion on inculcating the right culture and enhancing the spirit of doing business, The Importance of adhering to the principles in organic agriculture for reaching  Millennium Goals,  Ports facilitation for exporters and importers, Globalization of Sri Lanka’s IT services, Financial literacy for exporters during an economic recession, Japan GSP Scheme – opportunities and prospects, Developing an export business plan,  Finding overseas buyers,  Creating a brand to go International -a practical  approach, Thinking out of the box : the definite way to add value to your product, Workplace preparedness and response to reduce  the spread of Covid-19, How to sell online and e-commerce tips, etc. 

Around 60,000   participants took part in the webinar sessions organized by the EDB. Furthermore, participants joined these online sessions via Facebook and You tube channels as well. All the webinars of this programme can be viewed from the EDB You tube channel from the following link