Designer Mira Hoeng of Miwa Pattern collaborated with the Sri Lankan Embassy in Jakarta to launch a new collection with the theme Nil Manel (Blue Lotus) inspired national flower of Sri Lanka.

“The blue lotus (Nil Manel) has medicinal properties, you can drink it like tea and it calms you down. When you look at or hold the flower, you can also feel the calmness.” said Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, Sri Lankan Ambassador to Indonesia and ASEAN addressing the gathering.

“In Miwa’s seventh anniversary, we return to the main reason Miwa was founded; spreading happiness through its motives. Spreading this happiness can be done through kindness shared with others, which makes Miwa’s vision and mission real. We are obliged to be a blessing to others according to our respective talents and portions. We are honored by the opportunity to do good that the Ambassador of Sri Lanka, His Excellency (H.E.) Admiral Professor Jayanath Colombage, has given us,” said Mira Hoeng, designer and owner of Miwa.

The “Nil Manel: Blue Lotus” collection not only consists of clothing but also accessory products such as bags, scarves, shopping bags, and limited edition tumblers with Thermos. This collection reflects a positive spirit and happiness with MIWA’s signature bright and meaningful motifs.

Mira and the Sri Lankan Embassy agreed to channel 25 percent of the profits from the sale of the special collection to develop a school in a remote village in the eastern province of Sri Lanka.

“This collaboration is a perfect combination of art, creativity, and act of humanity. MIWA is not only about collecting profits but also about sharing and caring,” said the Sri Lankan Ambassador.

Embassy of Sri Lanka

In Jakarta

06 November 2023


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