Admiral Professor Jayanath Colombage, H.E the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Indonesia and ASEAN paid a visit to the MAS Holding Facilities in Semarang Indonesia, PT MAS ARYA 1, PT MAS SILUETA INDONESIA, PT PRYM INTIMATES INDONESIA and PT MAS ARYA 2 on 11 th August 2023. The Ambassador was warmly welcomed by the MAS Group officials and show their facilities. There are about 100 Sri Lankans working in MAS Facilities in Semarang while it has created nearly 5000 jobs for Indonesians working in the MAS Facilities. The Ambassador appreciated their contribution to promote economic activities of Sri Lanka and Indonesia and creating connection through investments and
operations to benefit people of both countries.
Admiral Prof Jayanth Colombage attended a Paduru Party in Semarang on the followingmday 12 August 2023 organized by the Association of Sri Lankans Living in Indonesia (ASLI). There were nearly 200 Sri Lankans participated for the event making it the largest gathering of Sri Lankans in Indonesia. Sri Lankans live in different areas attended the event showing the strength and togetherness of Sri Lankans in Indonesia, The Ambassador thanked and appreciated the ASLI organizing committee for having
arranged a large scale gathering fostering sense of belongings of Sri Lankans amidst lot of difficulties and challenges.
The Ambassador visited Vihara Tanah Putih had a cordial discussion with the incumbent chief Monk Ven. Cattamano about Buddhism in Indonesia and possible Buddhist monk visits exchange programme. Then the Ambassador visited Vihara Watugong where there is a famous sacred Boo tree brought from Sri Lanka by Narada Tero to help revive Buddhism in Indonesia.
15 August 2023
Embassy of Sri Lanka